My Projects

Amicus Curiae

Amicus Curiae is a free student resource for Political Science students, Lawyers, Paralegals, etc. My application allows for these users to search through a live court docket database. This is my Capstone project from Suncoast Developers Guild utilizing a full stack environment. I used HTML 5, CSS 3, and React.js to create the front end to allow for full CRUD support. I utilized C#, .NetCore, ORMs, and EntityFramework for my back end to allow for full CRUD functionality in my endpoint controllers.


This project is a functional version of minesweeper created in React.js making an axios call out for the game board. The game comes with several separate difficulties and is fully functional for a play through. Just watch out for the mines!

Color Picker

Color Picker allows the user to fully manipulate the color spectrum playing with Hue, Saturation, and Light. This is a feature test application showing the dynamic functionality of slide bars. I created this using React Hooks to practice with the more dynamic tools.